Your Questions Answered ... On Video

Does Muscle Affect Metabolism?

How your metabolism works is a confusing topic.

If you rely strictly on cardio workouts and calorie restriction to lose weight, will your metabolism slow down?

Does Muscle Affect Metabolism?If you don’t do any strength training whatsoever, does that affect your metabolism?

Does gaining muscle or losing muscle actually change your metabolism?

If you don’t weight train at all, do you lose SO much muscle that it does damage to your metabolism?

If you’re not doing any strength training, how can you maintain a speedy metabolism?

All good questions and recently asked by one of my “Hot at Home” YouTube subscribers.

If you’ve ever wondered the best way to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, then this is going to interest you too:

Cardio workouts and proper nutrition are important for better health and fitness and especially for losing fat, but never skip out on strength training. It’s important for far more than just your metabolism. It also can help you remain strong and functional as you age.

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You can find more tips and tricks here, in “Hot at Home“.
