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Functional Training

One of my “Hot at Home” customers is an active guy who enjoys working out.

Lately he’s also been doing a lot of manual labor working on building a playground in the neighborhood.

But he finds that ‘conventional exercise’ doesn’t help him prepare for his long days of shoveling, digging, stooping and lifting heavy items to move them around while he works.

Shoveling Is A Great WorkoutWhile I’m not sure what he means by ‘conventional exercise’ (but I can take a guess), there are ways he can improve his training routine to better prepare him for these playground building days.

It’s called “Functional Training” and it’s something that can help anyone improve their performance with any activity, from gardening to golf.

Functional Training can also help make simple activities like lifting groceries, doing housework, or playing with your kids, easier. And it can increase your capabilities while participating in elite sports.

But the kind of Functional Training an individual should do is different depending on which activity or sport they’re training for.

Here’s what our playground-building friend needs to know about training for function that may help you with improving your performance with your favorite activity, too.

In order to improve your functionality and performance with the activity of your choice, analyze the kinds of movements you do while performing that activity then choose exercises that mimic those moves.

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