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Reprintable Article – Buying Guide For Home Workout Equipment

Sick of paying gym membership fees? Want to find a more affordable way to get in shape? Pick up these small and affordable but very effective pieces of equipment and get in great shape in the convenience and privacy of your own home.

Buying Guide For Home Workout Equipment
by Jackie Burgmann, author of “Hot at Home” – The Transformation Solution for People Who Hate The Gym

Fitness can be pretty hard on your wallet, if you let it. Today’s economy is no joke.

But then again, neither is your health.

But, let’s face it: Gym Memberships can be expensive.

Big ‘joining fees’ and ongoing monthly membership fees can really add up over the long haul.

A more affordable option is to invest in the right pieces of equipment that will help you get a great workout in your own home and skip the gym membership fees entirely.

You CAN do effective fat loss and muscle building workouts and get in GREAT shape right in your own home, even if the amount of space available is just a small patch of floor.

It’s just a matter of knowing which equipment is the most affordable AND the easiest to store when not in use.

The following pieces of equipment are a great one-time investment for a small home gym set up:

A Set of Dumbbells

You can do pretty much any exercise imaginable with a set of dumbbells at home that you could do in a gym, including almost all moves designed for the barbell. Just hold two dumbbells even with each other like you would if gripping a barbell and go for it, with the same form and series of movements.

An even more cost effective way to invest here is to find a pair of adjustable dumbbells that adjust as low as 5lbs and as high as 100 lbs. You’ll have lots of room to progress as you get stronger and more advanced AND you’ll save a lot of storage space, too.

Or, you can choose to get a proper set of regular dumbbells if you have the room or prefer to switch weights often while doing SuperSets and find adjusting and readjusting the adjustable type to be bothersome.

Choose what’s right for you, your budget and your workout and storage space.

Some Fitness Bands

Fitness bands make any cable move you’d do in a gym possible at home.

Just make sure you also purchase a door anchor for each tension of fitness band you buy (because if you only have one, constantly switching your door anchor from band to band can also be a bother).

Fitness bands can be used to do weighted squats, shoulder presses, bicep curls, back rows, chest presses, cable crunches, lat pulldowns, tricep pressdowns and various other exercises.

A Stability Ball

Stability balls are great for core strengthening. However, stability balls can also double as a bench for some exercises such as chest presses and flyes, bicep curls or back rows to add some core stability work to your main exercise.

If you don’t have room for a big ball rolling around your home when not in use, consider removing one of your office or diningroom chairs and replacing it with the ball.

Use the ball as a chair when you aren’t exercising with it. You’ll get the added benefit of posture exercise and core training keeping your balance while just sitting around (and mark the calendar because this is the ONE TIME I will actually say that you can get some fitness benefit from ‘just sitting around’).

A Jump Rope

Jump ropes are a great way to get some cardio without leaving your livingroom. Just make sure you move any furniture or breakables well out of the way first.

You really don’t need more than about 5 square feet and an 7-8 foot ceiling (depending on your height) to jump rope in your home.

And finally …

A Pull-up Bar

Installing a pull-up bar in your home is well worth the time and investment.

If you think you can’t do pull-ups, maybe you’re right, but the road to success starts with one attempt.

With a little practice and perseverance it doesn’t take long to be able to do just ONE.

Two comes VERY fast after that, and soon you’ll be doing them and bragging to all your friends how many you can do.

Some minor upfront investment in these basic pieces of home equipment will not only save you hundreds of dollars on gym fees in the long run, but will also give you the ability to do effective fat-burning and muscle-building workouts and get in great shape right in your own home, no matter how small your space is.

Blasting fat fast by working out affordably, in the privacy and convenience of your own home is what the new “Hot at Home” Body Transformation System is all about. Pick it up here: Get “Hot at Home”.

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